Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday the 15th

Just taking pictures outside and enjoying an absolutely perfect day and I noticed this "creature". He/she is taking a break from their job -- devouring mosquitoes.


Actually, the dragonflies are harmless but to humans but I didn't know that when I first moved to Minnesota. I grew up in big cities and the only flying creatures that I recall were flies and bees -- a lot more flies than bees. Somewhat of a sheltered life because the rest of the world has a larger assortment of insects and bugs then I was ever aware of and certainly nothing like the varieties that exist here in northern Minnesota.

More about bugs and insects later ... not that they will necessarily be the main attraction in my blogs -- at least I certainly hope not.

And now for another one of our "favorites" -- the hummingbird! We've got 6 of these little guys and gals constantly buzzing around the house enjoying themselves.

humming bird


The finale ... beautiful blue sky, pine trees, wild flowers, what more could you want out in your front yard?

Our front yard

Chuck signature


Ed Clayton said...

Good to see you have started your blog Chuck. Followed your comments on my Godfather's blog and found yours (before it had even started!) - Have a look at my response to your comment to see why I was waiting for you to start your blog...

Chuck said...

Ed, thanks for stopping by and appreciate your comments --- especially about resembling Father Christmas. I have been found at Christmas time visiting people (the elderly and children) in that role. I really enjoy it.

In case, you don't have direct access to my blog I'm taking the liberty to send you an email at your business and hope you don't mind.


Unknown said...

Hello Chuck. Congratulations on your first blog. It looks as if you live in a lovely part of the world, and the wildlife sounds fascinating. Look forward to seeing more of it. It's always interesting to hear about life in 'furrin parts'. I find this machine has shrunk the globe. Warm regards, Mike.

Chuck said...

Good day to everyone! Thanks for stopping by my 1st (and 2nd) blogs I guess I'm on the path to becoming a full fledged blogger like Mike.

Ah yesss, the "furrin' parts", I like that. When I first moved up here I never imagined just how "furrin'" it could be but I think I've adjusted. Wildlife and all. LOL

My wife was looking over my shoulder when I was "constructing" my blog and asked, "where is that going?" and I responded "the world". She laughed and then when I showed her your blog she agreed with you about "this machine has shrunk the globe." It's true.

Goodnight all --