Thursday, July 17, 2008

thursday 17th

Hello all, had a full day of heat and humidity -- sorry but I'm not a big fan of either of those attributes of summer time. So in an effort to be brief and informative at the same time I decided to share a bit of last winter.

Winter 2007 small image

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Nea said...

Hello Chuck,
It's great to see another part of the world from the comfort of hoome.
Your winter looks very much like ours here in the middle of Sweden.

Mike's daughter, the one married to the Swede.

Unknown said...

Hello Chuck. Your winters look a bit extreme. We went right through last winter without any snow, until Easter Sunday morning when we had three inches in as many hours. My ideal snow is two inches on Christmas morning, seen through glass, and gone by lunchtime. As you'll have gathered I'm not fond of the stuff. Regards, Mike.

Chuck said...

Nea, welcome! It really is quite a treat to "visit" the world from home. I'll bet you're right about climate being almost equal. Last winter was on the mild side didn't have normal snowfall or temps. Average snowfall for the winter is 1.2 meters (47 inches) and coldest month is January at -19 degrees C.

By mid-January the wife and I have just about had enough of the cold but we stick it out and we're still here.

MIKE, I know what you mean about "ideal" snowfall but alas that just isn't the way it works up here in Minnesota, lol. Now if we could only pass a law that humans could hibernate, like bears, during the winter months that would be ideal.

Good day to you all,